Monday, March 7, 2011

Tarte: Flush Cheek Stain

So I had been curious with this product. I had never tried a cheek stain so on a whim, I bought one from this website. Appx $17, and so I figured, why the heck not since it retails for $30. 

I basically just tapped it onto my cheek so I could build it on. 

I did a small pikachu-sized dot on both my cheeks and rubbed it all around where I wanted it to be.  (Actually, that was too much for me. I had to wipe off some after I blended it).

Blending blending!!

This was before I wiped some of it off on a towel so you can see how natural it is even though there's a lot on it. The pictures with the Tarte lip stain is the wiped-up, blended version.

It looks really really natural. You can barely tell in the photo, but honestly, it's really amazing. I could technically lather it on, but really... that wouldn't look very good. It just looks like I'm slightly blushing, did a short jog, or slapped myself a little bit.

At first I was scared that it wouldn't complement my skin color because all of the reviews I had found online and swatches were on caucasian-type skin. Not to mention, there wasn't a lot of pictures in general on it. Aside from looking natural, it gives me a really nice looking glow on my face. 

Tarte: Lively LipSurgence Matte Lip Stain

I bought this product a while ago at Sephora, but it's one of my favorite products as well. Although it really dries out my lips if used by itself.

You can see how little product I use. It's just a small line on my bottom lip.

Also, please disregard the weird pose I did here.

So I blended it on my lips. This product is really really hard to move around without a gloss or some other type of lip balm since it really lives up to it's name of being matte. I used my Clinique superbalm lip treatment on top of it this time, but usually all I do is ChapStick right before I apply the lip stain.

Close up! Homg, my bottom lip looks huge. Contouring!

I like this product over a lot of others just because it looks like I'm wearing lipstick but without that weird lipstick texture and I don't have to worry about it sliding around/eating it. I just gotta be careful with whites though... You can compare my lip color with the top pictures of the cheek stain- I did this all in one sitting cos I'm that bored.

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